Committee on Failing Grades

The Committee on Failing Grades hears appeals of failing grades upon petition when procedures in the cognizant school have been exhausted.

The expiration dates of committee members' terms are shown in parentheses. The term ends in August, unless otherwise noted.

See Procedures for Appeal of Failing Grades on the Policies website

  • Dr. Eun Koh, Associate Professor, National Catholic School of Social Service, Chair (2026)
  • Dr. Sen Nieh, Ordinary Professor, Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering (2026)
  • Prof. Susanna Fischer, Associate Professor, Columbus School of Law (2026)
  • Ms. Bridget Safranek Knuffke, Graduate Student, Philosophy, School of Philosophy (2024)
  • Mr. Michael Graves, Undergraduate Student, History and Secondary Education, School of Arts and Sciences (2024)
University Academic Dishonesty Appeal Panel

The expiration dates of committee members' terms are shown in parentheses. The term ends in August, unless otherwise noted.

See Student Academic Dishonesty Procedures on the Policies website

  • Dr. Nalini Jairath, Associate Professor, Conway School of Nursing, Chair (2025)
  • Dr. Alex Russo, Associate Professor, Media and Communication Studies, School of Arts and Sciences (2025)
  • Dr. Paul Scherz, Associate Professor, School of Theology and Religious Studies (2025)
  • Dr. Cristina Ionescu, Associate Professor, School of Philosophy (2026)
  • Dr. Nikita Fitenko, Ordinary Professor, Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art (2026)
  • Ms. Larissa York, Undergraduate Student, Biology, School of Arts and Sciences (2024)
  • Mr. Alexander Pietrangelo, Undergraduate Student, Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering (2024)
  • Ms. Rachel Morin, Graduate Student, Physics, School of Arts and Sciences (2024)
  • Mr. Gerald Sharpe, Graduate Student, Law, Columbus School of Law (2024)
Faculty Grievance Committee
The Faculty Grievance Committee, which also serves in an adjudicatory role, is not a Senate Committee. Its responsibilities are set forth in the Faculty Handbook, Part III, Section D-5.  The Faculty Grievance Committee is composed of seven members elected as follows: two from the faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences, two from the faculties of the Professional Schools, two from the faculties of the Schools of Canon Law, Philosophy, and Theology and Religious Studies, and one from the Academic Senate. (Representatives serve a two year term.) 
Expiration dates of committee members' terms are shown in parentheses.

Representatives from the School of Arts and Sciences
  • Dr. Dorle Hellmuth, Associate Professor, Politics (2025)
  • Dr. Gregorz Kalicy, Associate Professor, Physics (2025)
Representatives from the Professional Schools
  • Dr. Sandra O’Brien, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Nursing (2025)
  • Dr. Peter Kadeli, Assistant Professor, Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art

Representatives from the Ecclesiastical Schools

  • Dr. William Daniel, Associate Professor, School of Canon Law (2025)
  • Rev. Dr. Vincent Strand, S.J., Assistant Professor, School of Theology and Religious Studies (2026)
Representative from the Academic Senate
  • Dr. Reza Saidi, Associate Professor, Busch School of Business (2025)